Friday, May 05, 2006

In one week

By Friday we’ll know – he said – by Friday.
How can news that has been in the making and in the waiting for nearly 4 years sound so sweet and yet so terrifying?
By Friday we’ll know whether the waiting has been in vain, although we were forced into this waiting without a choice.
And this waiting changed us. We are all different now. The experience has made us reevaluate who and what we believed in. Now, regardless of the outcome, we’ll never return to who we used to be.
1 week. 7 more days of waiting.
But then, there will be more waiting. Much more. Yet, I’m not afraid of it, because things would be so much different. The answer by Friday could change how I look forward in life. It probably would change my life yet again.
So, should I dread it? Would you care if now I do, if 100 years from now, when all of us are gone, would you care then? I wouldn’t. But now, this one week before the decision, oh, how I dread it.

Tell you one thing, we sure can make our lives heaven or hell. It’s all a matter of choices.

1 more week. 1 more…